Ghost Boss
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Ghost Boss


Eva Foussat and Danielle Salley are graphic designers who decided to jump into freelancing full-time at the midpoint of their careers, or as they call it, the freelance afterlife. Listen to their podcast as they share stories about freelancing and what it feels like to be a “Ghost Boss.”

Meet Your Ghost Hosts

Eva Foussat and Danielle Salley are both freelance graphic designers who decided to leave the safety net of their jobs and work for themselves. Their stories are similar even though their journeys into the freelance afterlife have been different. Listen to their podcast as they share stories about working for yourself, quirky work habits, overcoming the fear of freelancing full-time, and mostly tons of sassy rambling because they don’t have a boss to keep them on track.

So, what is a Ghost Boss? Well, it’s not a thing, it’s a feeling. Listen to the podcast to find out.

Eva Foussat - Ghost Boss Podcast

Eva Foussat

Creative Director, Eva Foussat Creative

Danielle Salley - Ghost Boss Podcast

Danielle Salley

Creative Director, Danielle Salley Creative

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